Fuzz Android Framework ONE: How to port Android StageFright to Linux?

Modify Linux kernel to enable Android binder and ashmem

  1. download kernel source code
    $ sudo apt install linux-source
  2. extract source code
    $ cd kernel
    $ tar jxvf /usr/src/linux/linux-source-4.8.0.tar.bz2
    $ cd linux-source-4.8.0
  3. copy .config
    $ cp -vi /boot/config-`uname -r` .config
    $ make oldconfig
  4. enable binder and ashmem
    make menuconfig
    Binder: goto Device Drivers->Android, select Andoid Drivers and Android Binder IPC Driver.
    ashmem: goto Device Drivers->Staging drivers->Android, select Enable the Anonymous Shared Memory Subsystem.
  5. compile
    $ make -j16
    $ sudo make modules_install
    $ sudo make install
  6. config udev
    $ echo -e "KERNEL==\"binder\", MODE=\"0666\"\nKERNEL==\"ashmem\", MODE=\"0666\"" | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/android.rules
  7. restart

Modify Stagefright

  1. download AOSP
  2. apply patch. If apply failure, please update the patch file according to your downloaded AOSP.
  3. compile