Android 9 Remote DOS in libmp4extractor


In libmp4extractor module, there are many functions calling macro CHECKxxx to verify if it is healthy now. Parsing some malformed mp4 file may trigger this CHECK and lead to process mediaextractor abort.

Root Cause Analysis

In function MPEG4Source::parseClearEncryptedSizes in frameworks/av/media/extractors/mp4/MPEG4Extractor.cpp:

status_t MPEG4Source::parseClearEncryptedSizes(off64_t offset, bool isSubsampleEncryption, uint32_t flags) {

    int ivlength;
    CHECK(mFormat.findInt32(kKeyCryptoDefaultIVSize, &ivlength));

Function parseClearEncryptedSizes can be called during mp4 file parsing. And my provided mp4 file doesn’t meet the check condition here leading to process abort.


I provided the crash mp4 file and the test harness tool stagefright arm64 version.

  1. copy provided stagefright to your root 64 bit android device.
  2. copy the mp4 file to your android device /data folder.
  3. run: stagefright -e /data/mp4_check.mp4

I also provide the tombstone file for reference.

Q & A

How did you find this vulnerability?

by fuzzing.

Can you identify exploitability?

This is a remote DOS case.

Can you identify root cause?

Yes, see the root cause analysis.

Vulnerable software and hardware

Android 9 and All before.